Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Analytics using Power BI with Dynamics 365 - Part-3 - Data Insights

This is part-3 of a multi-series blog on Power BI and Dynamics 365. The earlier blogs are on integrating Power BI with Dynamics 365 (Part-1) and the Power BI Desktop (Part-2). This blogs focuses on data insights from Power BI with Dynamics 365.

Once you have integrated Power BI with Dynamics 365 and built your data-sets it is ready for you to get insights on your Dynamics 365 data. Microsoft research has developed advanced analytical algorithms to enable for getting quick insights from your data without having to write any code. 

It also helps to be able to quickly analyze your data without missing any significant insight. 

Below are some of the insights that I got using the sample data sets for Sales Analytics and Customer Service Analytics with Dynamics 365 and Power BI.

Email and Web are the dominant origins for Cases

Most of the Cases are questions and not problems

Cases are resolved mostly in the middle of the month
You can pin the insight to an existing or a new dashboard.
You can also expand the insight visual which opens the visual into a Focus mode. You can filter the visual in focus mode to get to the data insight you want as shown below.

Pin to a dashboard or Get further insights on this visual

Also you can get further insights on the data within the insight visual only. This is scoped insights as the data is now restricted to the visual only and not the entire data set.

Note – The insights is only possible on data uploaded to Power BI. It will not work on Direct Query.

How to get quick insights? -

In Power BI online go to My workspace > Dataset. Select your specific data set and click on the … (ellipses) in the Actions column. Than click on “Get Quick Insights” option as shown below.
Insights from a Dataset in Power BI

Now Power BI will start analyzing your data and building the insights for you. Once done it will let you know that your insights are ready for viewing.

Hope this helps you get started with getting the insights from your data. In my next blog I will write about the types of insights that you can get using Power BI and Dynamics 365.

Mihir Shah